1. When anchoring slacklines to trees, appropriate measures should be taken to protect the bark.
2. If in doubt avoid rigging to trees with a diameter of less than 50cm.
3. Set up your slacklines to living, healthy trees.
4. Please consider other users of the area when slacklining and avoid blocking pathways, roads, etc and using areas of parks that are designated for other popular activities.
5. The person/s setting up slacklines are responsible for them and maybe responsible for others using their equipment.
6. Slackliners should know the ratings of all of the equipment they use and the approximate extra loads they generate whilst using it.
7. Equipment should be checked regularly to ensure that it is safe and in good condition. Unsafe equipment should be retired.
8. Slacklines should be attended at all times. DO NOT leave any line unattended without the land owners permission and take reasonable precautions to protect the slacklines from use from the general public.
9. The area in which you are slacklining and the equipment you are using should be clearly visible to people. We would recommend the use of wind dampeners/visual markers on slacklines, in particular when using longer lines.
All of the points above are merely guidelines as to how to slackline responsiby It is the sole responsibility of the slackliner to to fully understand and implement the above points, if in any doubt, please seek guidance from an experienced professional.
Please refer to the to the non affiliated link below as a means of calculating approximate loads generated by a slackline when in use.
Line Tension Calculator http://www.slack.e30tuner.com/articles_linetension.php
The UKSA recognises that ALL forms of slacklining, including but not limited to tricklining, longlining and highlining are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions. These guidelines and the information herein is believed to be accurate at the time of writing. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss of benefit or entitlement arising through use of these guidelines – they are not intended to be definitive. This compilation of slacklining guidelines is taken from a number of sources and is known as ‘best practice’ opinion within the slacklining community. They are however not intended to be the only source of information for those wishing to pursue the sport. Prior and competent knowledge must be sought and applied. Following these guidelines is does not give you the legal right to slackline in any given area. Permission from the landowner must be granted and local byelaws may apply.
Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that the information provided here is correct and safe, it is never a substitute for good judgement. Always check information with other sources and your own common sense. By use of the provided information, the reader hereby releases the authors and providers of said information from any liability for any injury, including death, that might result.